Multi Select
The MultiSelect wrapper component can be used when an input supports combining multiple values in a single form field with a dropdown list of options to select from. The component is a complete form control supporting labels, errors and disabled states.
- Install
npm install @pluralsight/ps-design-system-multiselect
- Import
import MultiSelect from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-multiselect'
import React from 'react'import MultiSelect, { Option } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-multiselect'const Comp = () => {const options = useMemo(() => [{ label: 'Hydrogen', value: 'H' },{ label: 'Helium', value: 'He' },{ label: 'Lithium', value: 'Li' },{ label: 'Beryllium', value: 'Be' },{ label: 'Boron', value: 'B' },{ label: 'Carbon', value: 'C' },{ label: 'Nitrogren', value: 'N' },{ label: 'Oxygen', value: 'O' },{ label: 'Fluorine', value: 'F' },{ label: 'Neon', value: 'Ne' },{ label: 'Sodium', value: 'Na' },{ label: 'Magnesium', value: 'Mg' },{ label: 'Aluminum', value: 'Al' },{ label: 'Silicon', value: 'Si' },{ label: 'Phosphorus', value: 'P' },], [])const [value, setValue] = useState<Option[]>(options.slice(0, 2))return (<MultiSelectonChange={(_, nextValue) => {setValue(nextValue)}}options={options}value={value}/>)}export default Comp
Hint text displayed here
ReactNode sublabel
import React from 'react'import MultiSelect from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-multiselect'const noop = () => {}const Comp = () => (<div className="example-flex-column"><MultiSelectonChange={noop}options={[{ label: 'tag', value: 'tag'}]}placeholder="Enter tags"value={[]}/><MultiSelectlabel="Label area"onChange={noop}options={[{ label: 'tag', value: 'tag'}]}subLabel="Hint text displayed here"value={[]}/><MultiSelectlabel={<MultiSelect.Label>ReactNode label</MultiSelect.Label>}onChange={noop}options={[{ label: 'tag', value: 'tag'}]}subLabel={<MultiSelect.SubLabel>ReactNode sublabel</MultiSelect.SubLabel>}value={[]}/></div>)export default Comp
import React from 'react'import { SearchIcon } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-icon'import MultiSelect from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-multiselect'const noop = () => {}const Comp = () => (<div className="example-flex-column"><MultiSelectlabel="Input with prefix"onChange={noop}options={[{ label: 'tag', value: 'tag'}]}prefix={<SearchIcon />}value={[]}/></div>)export default Comp
import React from 'react'import MultiSelect from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-multiselect'const noop = () => {}const Comp = () => (<div className="example-flex-column"><MultiSelectdisabledlabel="Disabled input"onChange={noop}options={[{ label: 'tag', value: 'tag'}]}value={[]}/></div>)export default Comp
import React from 'react'import MultiSelect from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-multiselect'const noop = () => {}const Comp = () => (<div className="example-flex-column"><MultiSelecterrorlabel="Error input"onChange={noop}options={[{ label: 'tag', value: 'tag'}]}value={[]}/></div>)export default Comp
Advanced customization
component is a convenience wrapper for common usecases. If you need advanced customization, please explore building your own wrapper using theField
Name | Type | Description | Default |
disabled | boolean |
| |
error | boolean |
| |
label | string | ReactNode |
| |
filterFn | (term: string, options: Option[]) => Option[] | custom filtering function |
onChange Required | (evt, nexValue: Option[]) => void |
| |
options Required | Option[] |
| |
placeholder | string | in-field usage hint |
renderInputTag | (props, ref) => ReactNode | render prop used to replace the default input | (props, ref) => <input ref={ref} {...props} /> |
subLabel | string | ReactNode |
| |
value Required | Option[] |