The purpose of a Dialog is to provide actionable messaging and may appear contextually or as a modal. The Dialog adapts to various amounts and types of content. For contextual, non-actionable messaging, consider the Tooltip instead.
- Install
npm install @pluralsight/ps-design-system-dialog
- Import
import Dialog from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-dialog'
In-app example
Dialogs can appear automatically, or be triggered by hover, focus, tap or click.
import Button from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-button'import Dialog from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-dialog'import { Below } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-position'import React from 'react'function Example() {const [isHovered, setHovered] = React.useState(false)const [isClicked, setClicked] = React.useState(false)return (<div className="example-grid--col-3" style={{ height: '150px' }}><Belowshow={<Dialog tailPosition={Dialog.tailPositions.topCenter}>Dialog</Dialog>}when><Button appearance={Button.appearances.secondary}>Look at me</Button></Below><Belowshow={<Dialog tailPosition={Dialog.tailPositions.topCenter}>Dialog</Dialog>}when={isHovered}><Buttonappearance={Button.appearances.secondary}onMouseEnter={_ => setHovered(true)}onMouseOut={_ => setHovered(false)}>Hover me</Button></Below><Belowshow={<Dialog tailPosition={Dialog.tailPositions.topCenter}>Dialog</Dialog>}when={isClicked}><Buttonappearance={Button.appearances.secondary}onClick={_ => setClicked(!isClicked)}>Click me</Button></Below></div>)}export default Example
Dialogs can be shown with or without a tail (a directional indicator). To make the tail appear, use a Dialog.tailPositions
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
import Button from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-button'import Dialog from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-dialog'import { P } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-text'import React from 'react'function Example() {return (<div className="example-grid--col-2"><Dialog disableFocusOnMount><ExampleContent /></Dialog><Dialog tailPosition={Dialog.tailPositions.topCenter} disableFocusOnMount><ExampleContent /></Dialog></div>)}export default Exampleconst ExampleContent = _ => (<div style={{ maxWidth: '300px' }}><P>Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore</P><div style={{ textAlign: 'right' }}><Button>Primary button</Button></div></div>)
Dialogs may be closed using one of a number of methods: clicking the close button, clicking the overlay (in the case of a modal
Dialog), and pressing the escape key. One or all of these methods, if available, will call the onClose
function when triggered.
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
import Button from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-button'import Dialog from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-dialog'import { P } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-text'import React from 'react'function Example() {return (<div className="example-grid--col-2"><Dialog disableFocusOnMount><ExampleContent /></Dialog><Dialog onClose={_ => alert('Closing')} disableFocusOnMount><ExampleContent /></Dialog></div>)}export default Exampleconst ExampleContent = _ => (<div style={{ maxWidth: '300px' }}><P>Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore</P><div style={{ textAlign: 'right' }}><Button>Primary button</Button></div></div>)
A modal Dialog will be shown fullscreen with an overlay behind and positioned in the center of the viewport.
When a modal Dialog (or non-modal Dialog) are shown on the screen, it will take browser focus. In the case of a modal Dialog, the rest of the body of the application will continue to be visible through the translucent overlay. But it should be hidden. To hide it from screenreaders, add an aria-hidden=true
attribute to your application's containing node, and make sure Dialog is mounted outside of that node. To hide it from keyboard users, add a tabindex="-1"
to that same application node.
import Button from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-button'import { colorsBackgroundLight, layout } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-core'import Dialog from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-dialog'import { Heading } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-text'import React from 'react'function Example() {const [isOpen, setOpen] = React.useState(false)return (<><div className="app" aria-hidden={isOpen}><Button onClick={() => setOpen(!isOpen)}>Open Modal</Button></div>{isOpen && (<DialogmodalonClose={() => setOpen(false)}aria-label="example dialog"style={{ zIndex: 1 }}><Heading><h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</h2></Heading><divstyle={{background: colorsBackgroundLight[2],height: '176px'}}/><div className="buttons"><Button appearance={Button.appearances.stroke}>Secondary</Button><Button>Primary button</Button></div></Dialog>)}<style jsx>{`.buttons {display: flex;justify-content: flex-end;margin-top: ${layout.spacingLarge};}.buttons > button:not(:last-child) {margin-right: ${layout.spacingMedium};}`}</style></>)}export default Example
In most cases, dialogs can assume the user to digest the content following a Z-Pattern. Readers will start in the top/left, move horizontally to the top/right and then diagonally to the bottom/left before finishing with another horizontal movement to the bottom/right. By that measure, place your actions at the bottom/right, with the primary action on the right.
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
Don’t use modal dialogs when displaying non-critical information that doesn’t need to interrupt a workflow. Consider a dialog interaction which would be less intrusive.
Bookmark added
Oh joy! You have successfully added a new bookmark.
Be explicit as possible when writing dialog buttons. Use affirmative action text to clearly indicate the outcome of the decision. Material Design
Delete record?
This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to delete this record?
Delete record?
This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you want to delete this record?
WCAG 2.1 AA Compliance
100% axe-core testsManual audit
WAI-ARIA Patterns: Dialog
Name | Type | Description | Default |
aria-label Required | string | description of dialog purpose |
disableCloseButton | boolean | removes close button UI | false |
disableCloseOnEscape | boolean | prevents closing Dialog with escape key | false |
disableCloseOnOverlayClick | boolean | prevents clicking modal overlay to close Dialog | false |
disableFocusOnMount | boolean | prevents focus the Dialog on render | false |
modal | boolean | makes Dialog modal | false |
onClose | Event => void | callback to be called by various close methods |
tailPosition |
| positions a tail pointer (from Dialog.tailPositions) |
returnFocus | boolean | manage focus; set focus on call where closed | true |