Use for expanding and collapsing content.
- Install
npm install @pluralsight/ps-design-system-drawer
- Import
import Drawer from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-drawer'
The Drawer can be used as an uncontrolled or controlled component. It consist of two subcomponents Summary and Details. The top-level component Drawer is headless. It's puporse is to supply context and cordinate the subcomponents.
Basic usage
Use when there is no need to modify open state or hook into onToggle callback.
import Button from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-button'import { colorsBackgroundDark, layout } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-core'import Drawer from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-drawer'import { BookmarkIcon } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-icon'import Row from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-row'import React from 'react'function Example() {return (<Drawer><Drawer.Summary><ExampleDrawerSummary /></Drawer.Summary><Drawer.Details><ExampleDrawerDetails /></Drawer.Details></Drawer>)}export default Exampleconst ExampleDrawerSummary = () => (<><Rowtitle="Building a Web App with ASP.NET Core"progress={18}metadata1={['Joe Eames', 'Intermediate', 'Jul 21, 2016']}image={<div className="image-placeholder" />}/><style>{`.image-placeholder {width: 100%;height: 100%;background: ${colorsBackgroundDark[3]};}`}</style></>)const ExampleDrawerDetails = () => (<div className="drawer-panel-example"><Rowtitle="Course Overview"metadata1={['1m 46s']}actionBar={[<Buttonsize={Button.sizes.small}appearance={Button.appearances.flat}icon={<BookmarkIcon />}key="bookmark"/>]}size={Row.sizes.small}actionBarVisible/><Rowtitle="What is ASP.NET Core?"metadata1={['39m 28s']}actionBar={[<Buttonsize={Button.sizes.small}appearance={Button.appearances.flat}icon={<BookmarkIcon />}key="bookmark"/>]}size={Row.sizes.small}actionBarVisible/><style>{`.drawer-panel-example {padding: ${layout.spacingXLarge} ${layout.spacingXLarge}${layout.spacingMedium} ${layout.spacingXLarge};}`}</style></div>)
Drawer subcomponents
Styles can be overridden with inline styles or by passing it a new className to either node
- Default display is
.- To center align a child to the right pass it
margin-left: auto
- To center align a child to the right pass it
- Default display is
import { colorsPink, type } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-core'import Drawer from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-drawer'import { BookmarkIcon } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-icon'import Row from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-row'import React from 'react'function Example() {return (<Drawer><Drawer.Summary><PinkBox>Drawer Summary</PinkBox></Drawer.Summary><Drawer.Details><div style={{ height: 128 }} /></Drawer.Details></Drawer>)}export default Exampleconst PinkBox = props => (<div className="pink-box"><span>{`<${props.children}>`}</span><style>{`.pink-box {display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;border: 2px dashed ${colorsPink[6]};color: ${colorsPink[6]};font-size: 16px;font-family: ${type.fontFamilyCode};margin-left: auto}`}</style></div>)
Custom layout
If you wish to for example customize the header or body you can make use of the useDrawerContext hook to provide your own Drawer sub-components.
Click to open
import Drawer, { useDrawerContext } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-drawer'import { Heading } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-text'import React from 'react'const CustomSummary = ({ children }) => {const { isOpen, onToggle } = useDrawerContext()return (<Heading size={Heading.sizes.medium}><h2 onClick={onToggle} style={{ marginBottom: 0, paddingBottom: 16 }}>{children}</h2></Heading>)}function Example() {return (<Drawer><CustomSummary>Click to open</CustomSummary><Drawer.Details><div style={{ height: 128 }} /></Drawer.Details></Drawer>)}export default Example
Controlled mount drawer open (AKA startOpen)
When there is a need to modify/observe open state or hook into onToggle callback it's best to use the Drawer as a controlled component. The Drawer only takes two props which allow one to take control of toggle microinteraction, (onToggle, isOpen).
Drawer Content here
import Drawer from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-drawer'import { P } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-text'import React from 'react'const Example = () => {const [open, setOpen] = useState(true)const handleToggle = e => {/** custom logic **/setOpen(!open)}return (<Drawer onToggle={handleToggle} isOpen={open}><Drawer.Summary><P style={{ padding: '10px 0', margin: 0 }}>Click me to open</P></Drawer.Summary><Drawer.Details><P style={{ padding: '10px 0', margin: 0 }}>Drawer Content here</P></Drawer.Details></Drawer>)}export default Example
Controlled prevent clicking on <Drawer.Summary />
from opening <Drawer />
import Drawer from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-drawer'import { P } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-text'import React from 'react'const Example = () => {const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)const handleToggle = e => {/** custom logic **/setOpen(!open)}return (<><button onClick={handleToggle}>toggle drawer</button><Drawer isOpen={open}><Drawer.Summary><P style={{ padding: '10px 0', margin: 0 }}>Clicking me won't toggle drawer</P></Drawer.Summary><Drawer.Details><P style={{ padding: '10px 0', margin: 0 }}>Drawer Content here</P></Drawer.Details></Drawer></>)}export default Example
WCAG 2.1 AA Compliance
100% axe-core testsManual audit
WAI-ARIA Patterns: Disclosure
Name | Type | Description | Default |
children | React.ReactNode | content inside the drawer |
onToggle | () => void | triggered when the drawer opens or closes |