Equal column

Layout content in equal column widths with responsive breakpoints.

  • Install
    npm install @pluralsight/ps-design-system-layout
  • Import
    import { EqualColumnLayout } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-layout'


This layout will provide a set number of columns for an arbitrary number of items. If more items than columns are provided, they will flow into rows.

USAGE NOTE: The children elements that are supplied to the EqualColumnLayout must be able to accept data-css-* props. Optionally, you may provide your own semantics for the parent container by passing that as the first child.

import { colorsBlue, colorsTextIcon, type, layout } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-core'
import { EqualColumnLayout } from '@pluralsight/ps-design-system-layout'
import React from 'react'
const Example: React.FC = props => {
return (
<EqualColumnLayout count={EqualColumnLayout.counts.two}>
<br />
<EqualColumnLayout count={EqualColumnLayout.counts.four}>
<br />
<EqualColumnLayout count={EqualColumnLayout.counts.three}>
<ul style={{ listStyle: 'none' }}>
const BlueBox: React.FC = props => (
<div {...props} className={'bluebox ' + props.className} />
<style jsx>{`
.bluebox {
align-items: center;
background: ${colorsBlue[6]};
color: ${colorsTextIcon.highOnDark};
display: flex;
font-weight: ${type.fontWeightStrong};
height: ${layout.spacingLarge};
justify-content: center;
export default Example


two | three | four | six
number of columns in a row at full width4
childrensingle parent el | children arraychildren must accept data-css-* propsdiv